Possible Play Selections for the 2024-25 Season
A Gift To Remember On Christmas Eve a train develops engine trouble forcing the passengers to stop at a tiny depot in New Hampshire. A sailor heads to Texas to “pop” the question; A salesman, to LA to patch things up a marriage; a widow to Boston to be with family; a man and his wife to Maryland for the birth of their first grandchild; and the list goes on. Disappointed and dispirited at first, they find ways to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas. Through patience, understanding and humor they realize this night will be a gift to remember.
Birthday Candles This is an existential dramedy centered on the life of one ordinary Michigan woman from Grand Rapids who we see as she ages from 17 to 100+ without the aid of prosthetics, makeup, or wigs. It follows Ernestine baking a simple butter cake on her birthday each year. It is a reminder of the importance of taking stock in the constants in an ever-changing life, especially as she questions her own insignificance in the universe amid romance, heartbreak, raising children, losing children, business success, loneliness, and everything in between.
Dr. Cook's Garden The Vermont village of Greenfield Center is the setting of a story centered around a problem of medical ethics between a genial, benevolent and loved old physician and his protege who has returned. The village is peopled with fine, wholesome folk, and it appears only those who are wicked at heart die. The good Dr. Cook, who is willing to go out on sick calls at any hour of the day or night, is determined it should stay in that fortunate condition.It is the young doctor's attempt to make his mentor see reason on this point that brings on the gripping climax of the play where they are pitted against each other in a scene of unforgettable, breath-stopping suspense and high drama.
Grace and Glorie Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains: Grace, a feisty 90 year-old cancer patient, has checked herself out of the hospital and returned to her beloved homestead cottage to die alone. Her volunteer hospice worker, Glorie, is a Harvard MBA recently transplanted to this rural backwater from NY. Glorie is tense, unhappy and guilt-ridden her only child having been killed in an auto accident when she was driving. As she attempts to care for and comfort the cantankerous Grace, the sophisticated Glorie gains new perspective on values and life's highs and lows. Dramedy
Our Town Written in 1938, it is described as “the greatest American play ever written.” It presents the fictional American town of Grover's Corners, 1901-1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens. Wilder uses metatheatrical devices, setting the play in the actual theatre where it is being performed. The main character is the stage manager of the theatre who directly addresses the audience, brings in guest lecturers, fields questions from the audience and fills in playing some of the roles. It is performed without a set on a mostly bare stage with few exceptions. Actors mime actions without the use of props. Act I the stage manager takes us through daily life of the townspeople. Act II is three years later and a marriage is being prepared and love becomes an earnest topic. Act III is nine years later. Eternity is discussed, those who have died, and the value of life.
Prelude to a Kiss Despite Rita's pessimistic view of the world she marries Peter. At the reception an old man requests a kiss. She is envious that he has survived time, he-her youth. They unknowingly swap bodies. The new Rita runs to her “parents” and hides from Peter. Peter tracks down Rita in the old man's body and from the old man's sister finds out he has one year to live. Instead of anger, they find they still love each other. This Farce Is a commentary on the limits of love and the meaning of commitments.
Seven Keys to Bald Pate This play by George M Cohen is one of the most thrilling plays ever. It is a medley of mystery, farce and intrigue and an especially fine example of the American mystery play. It is also one of the outstanding dramatic successes of its time. A famous young pulp writer, socialite from NYC goes to a mountain inn to write a serious novel. He aims for solitude at the empty Baldpate Inn, closed for the season. It turns out to be anything but deserted. He gets more than he bargained for in this complex but fun and entertaining mystery.
Waiting In The Wings A Noel Coward dramedy is a tribute to theatre set in a retirement home for actresses, all former stars. Jealousies abound, especially between Lotta and another who was also married to her former husband. A tragedy brings them to their senses and a new solarium brings out everyone's good nature.
The above list is what our Board has come up with to date. Currently we plan to produce at least 4 of these shows for the 2024-25 Season. Please feel free to let us know what you might like to see and/or what you would not like to see from the above list. You may also make other suggestions that are not on the list as we are constantly adjusting to our audience's preferences. We do appreciate your participation.