Tavares Theater, Inc. also known as Tavares Community Theater Company (TCTC) was founded in 2014 to bring community theater to the residents of Tavares and Lake County. While we are aware of the other quality community theaters in our area we strongly feel that our company adds to the variety and allows our fair city to join the ranks of the other major cities in Lake County.
Our short term goal is to produce quality stage presentations for the residents of Tavares (and surrounding communities) with an emphasis on community theater. Our long term goal is to renovate the building we purchased at 904 W Main St. With proper renovation, we hope to provide a permanent home with 125-150 seats. With the growth of the waterfront entertainment district, a community theater is the perfect next step to support community growth to give our residents a reason to frequent the waterfront on a regular basis. Renovations to the "New" Building requires funding. We have completed the interior demolition (it was divided into offices), added a storage building and a dressing room, updated the lobby windows and doors. We are very close to getting our overall building permit and we hope to open in 2022, if Covid and our finances work out. If you can please contribute.
Harold & Noel Miner
Founders of Tavares Comunity Theater Company, Noel is the current Board Chairperson of Tavares Theater, Inc., and Harold is the Executive Director.
Noel's experiences include numerous acting roles since retiring in 2004, including local nominations and awards for her acting skills. She is the recipient of two Sarah Awards for her acting roles. Her role in "Calendar Girls" is one of her favorites. Her friendships in the theatrical community of central Florida will definitely help us meet our goals. When not on stage she is busy online, on the phone, and in person raising money, raising awareness, and working the business aspects of the theater.
Harold's 32 year's teaching Graphic Design formed the foundation for his role as a technician and designer. He also served as the Executive Director for a FL Educational non-profit corporation for over 3 years, which gives him the administrative skills needed to meet government regulations as a non-profit. He has worked at virtually all of the local community theaters over the past 15 years which is an added plus for Tavares Theater. Set design, lighting design, and promotional design are his primary duties.

Peter & Darelle Pallans (Co-founders for TCTC)
Darelle is past president of the Lighthouse Players (LHP) and an active supporter of local theater. Darelle served as stage manager of nearly every one of the LHP productions. Darelle currently is the Executive Board Secretary and heads up our advertising staff. heads up our Advisory Committee and is in charge for the front-of-house (which means she coordinates all our volunteers, operates the on-site box office, and takes charge of the concession to name a few).
Peter is one of those "go to" people who are the foundation of volunteer associations. Peter is always there when work needs to be done. Building sets, setting lighting, hanging curtains, operating spot light, ushering, you name it, Peter can be counted on.

Recent changes to health and location has caused some "holes" in our board and executive board. If you have an interest in helping move our cause forward (in any capacity) please use the "Contact Page" or call 352-343-9944 and let us know, so we can put you to work.